This story grabbed my attention the most. As a child (according to my wife I still am a child), one of my favorite series was Goose Bumps. While I only read the introduction, it reminded me so much of the stories I read as a child. I instantly could picture the house and feel how spooky it was. Even with little information about the characters, it felt like I was reading about a friends experience. It may have something to do with the nostalgia, but I definitely had trouble breaking away from this story. I’ll be reading it in it’s full very soon.
Close up of the original house owner. Found
There wasn’t as much information in the introduction to this story. I got the idea of what the story is about, but I didn’t feel drawn to it as much as the other two. I liked the idea of the story and what the purpose of the bridge was for, so I’ll definitely read the entire story. The introduction gave some snippets of what is in the story but kind of in a mixed order. The phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover” would apply in my mind to this story. I’ll find out soon how it really turns out!
I really liked the way this story felt as if it were a black and white mystery movie. I could just picture Hunter with a smoking cigarette as he embarks on this mystery. Sort of like a New York mystery in a forrest. I liked that Hunter just casually brought up that he is half human and half deer, but also noted he was the only one on the police force that Wolfgang had met. Staying in the theme of the old timeline, I drew comparison to when black/white racial divide still existed but was fading away.