My name is Eric Cue and I am a senior at the University of Oklahoma. I transferred from Ozark Christian College and Missouri Southern State University in the fall of 2016. I grew up in Sand Springs, Oklahoma and have always wanted to go to OU law. Shortly after getting married, I convinced my wife that we needed to move to Norman and within about two weeks we picked everything up and moved here the day before classes started. I’m probably the guy you hear at the football games yelling at the refs and my wife is the one trying to look like she doesn’t know me. We’ve been married for about two and a half years, and people always tend to ask why we married so young. The real question in my mind is why not? I like the idea that by the time we’re 40 years old, we’ll have spent half of our lives together and we’ll have much more life to live after that. Having my wife with me so early in life is like getting dessert before dinner, life is sweeter with her. Not to mention, without her I would be in a much darker place after the events of last year. I’ll explain more about that later. For now, just know that life is good, my wife is great, and My Jesus is above all!

2 years ago and it’s only getting better!
Hi Eric,
ReplyDeleteYour post is short and sweet, you and your wife are so cute!! I agree most people would ask why get married so young, I really like the example you gave, dessert before dinner. We all love our dessert. I am excited to read more of your posts, and glad you are doing better. It is always great to have someone there for us, you are lucky you found that person in the form of your wife.
What a beautiful picture, Eric! And I am so glad you have all this time to spend together even if things do get a little out of control at the football games, ha ha. And there is at least one other person in class who is thinking about law school (link to her post)... plus there might be other future lawyers in the Introductions I have not read yet! The theme of law and justice is huge in both epics, as you will see from the crises that face King Dasharatha right from the start of the Ramayana next week. A good term to know is Dharma, which can be translated as law or justice, but also virtue and duty. The Dharma-Raja is the Dharma-King, which is a title people sometimes apply to the Buddha: Dharma-Raja. You might want to explore the notion of Dharma when you do the project brainstorming later this week!
ReplyDeleteHi Eric,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your introduction. Cool to see that your transferred from Joplin, Mo. I am from Miami, Oklahoma, and I spend a ton of time in the Joplin area. I can definitely relate to your passion for OU football. Great picture of you and your wife. Best of luck this semester and I look forward to reading more!
-Andy McDowell
Hi Eric!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your introduction! I think it's awesome that you were able to find your life partner at a young age. You guys look so cute in the picture. I hope your guy's marriage is full of happiness and adventure. Also, it's cool that you want to go to OU law. I hope everything goes well and you have a great semester!
Hey Eric!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you’re wife is stunningly beautiful and congrats on being married! It is so apparent that she means the world to you! How did your like Missouri? My grandparents lived there when I was younger and I recall going to visit them during the summer months but didn’t quite appreacite the beauty of the state until I returned a few years ago and was shocked at how gorgeous it is! Did you get to get out and do any outdoorsy stuff?
Hey Eric,
ReplyDeleteI really liked your introduction. It seems like you are the kind of guy who grabs life by the horns and hangs on tight. Do not ever take any crap from anyone about marrying young. It is your life and not theirs, and I love that you've grasped that idea. All the best to you and your wife.
Hey Eric! It was so nice to somewhat meet you through this introduction. I love the story of you and your wife, and I wish you both the most happiness! I completely understand what you mean by people judging young love. My boyfriend is moving his entire life in Florida to move here with me this week actually! (PS. Your wife is beautiful and her dress is so gorgeous) Have a great rest of your semester.
ReplyDeleteHey Eric! I’m a senior as well, and I really hope that your dream of going to OU Law comes true! Also, I know that the other comments mention it as well, but you and your wife look so cute together. Did you guys meet in college? Anyway, I wish you the best of the luck with your year, and hope y’all have a marvelous life together.
ReplyDeleteAw, that's adorable about your wife and you getting to spend more time together by marrying young. Congratulations! You both look very happy in that photograph. What are you majoring in? The football games seem like a good time. I am the one hiding in my room to avoid the traffic! But I hear good stories about them. Anyway, hope you are having a good semester!
ReplyDeleteHey Eric!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are happy with your wife! I couldn't imagine getting married at that age, because the responsibilities a couple hold are far out of my reach. BUT, I do hope to get married before I'm thirty!
Hey Eric!
ReplyDeleteYou and your wife are adorable and it sounds like you two are really happy. I hope you guys had a great time at Bedlam this weekend. It was quite the game! Good luck with your studies and with law school in the future.
Hi Eric! I just want to start off by saying that you and your wife are such a cute couple! I love the reason you have for marrying young. I feel like not many people think that like nowadays. I love that you're pursuing law. I hope you will be a great lawyer one day! Good luck on the rest of the semester!
ReplyDeleteHey Eric. Does you wife know what you wrote about her role in your life in this introduction? If not, you should tell her because I would personally melt if my husband talked about me like that. I also want to go to OU Law but I never knew that it was a school that students from outside of Oklahoma sought to attend. Is there a reason why you have always wanted to go to OU law? I hope you have had a great semester and finals season treats you well!
ReplyDeleteHi Eric, this post is so sweet! It’s almost straight out of a rom-com. I'm so happy for you and your little family! Your wife must be an awesome person to be willing to move to Norman. I think it is awesome that you love to brag about her. Good luck for the rest of the semester and happy thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteHey Eric! Your introduction was so sweet! I love seeing positive things and your post was just that! Getting married at a young age isn't bad in my opinion and you really put it in such a good way! According to my 5 year old self I would have been married at this age but I am not. Fate just happens and that is okay cause everything happens whenever it is supposed to at whatever age!
ReplyDeleteHi Eric! I like football games too! I think they’re fun. You must be passionate during the game! I like that idea of marrying young, too! Although I’m not married, I sometimes wonder what it’s liked to be not single haha. That’s really sweet that living with your wife is like having dessert before dinner. It’s nice to meet you Eric!